International Affairs
Project Development
Executive Board
The UNASDG executive board is a group of executives who meet to discuss important issues related to the UNASDG. Members of the executive Board are the Chief Executive Officer, the President and the Vice President. They are acting as decision makers and execute the binding agreements of the UNASDG. Persons with significant Control in the UNASDG are the CEO and the President only. Other Representatives are only allowed to sign official documents on behalf of the UNASDG, if there is a written resolution, signed and reconfirmed by the President.
Honorary Senate
The Honorary Senate consists of honorary members who have been nominated by UNASDG as honorary senators for their special services at the international level.
Diplomatic Council
The UNASDG Diplomatic Council represents UNASDG at the international level and unites international diplomats and ambassadors, who meet to discuss important issues related to the implementation of the Sustainable Goals at the diplomatic level. Members of the Board are the Executive Director, the Secretary General, and the Deputy Secretary General.
They act as decision makers of the Diplomatic Council and execute binding agreements concerning UNASDG or member countries at the Diplomatic Level.
The Diplomatic Council is responsible for establishing the International Diplomatic Missions for Sustainable Development Goals in the countries.
Ambassador - at - large
An "Ambassador-at-large" is a person appointed to the UNASDG International Council of Ambassadors. They are not employed by UNASDG, but act as independent advisors, directors or ambassadors to assist UNASDG in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. They participate in UNASDG policy-making and planning, and regularly monitor developments in their assigned State, region or segment to ensure that all activities are in the best interests of UNASDG, the United Nations and related structures. They represent the UNASDG to States, institutions and other third parties, but are not authorized to sign unless this is explicitly confirmed by the President of UNASDG Intergovernmental Organization. They report to the Executive Board and to the Senate.
Department of Finance
A Member of the Department of Finance has the same status as an Ambassador-at-large. The members are persons appointed to the UNASDG Department of Finance. They are not employed by UNASDG, but act as independent advisors, directors or ambassadors to assist UNASDG in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. They participate in UNASDG policy-making and planning, and regularly monitor and prepare financial developments globally, to ensure that all activities are in the best interests of UNASDG, the United Nations, Investors, Governments and further related structures. They represent the UNASDG to States, institutions and other third parties, but are not authorized to sign unless this is explicitly confirmed by the President of UNASDG Intergovernmental Organization. They report to the Executive Board and to the Senate.
Financial-Action-Task Force
The Financial-Action-Task-Force (FATF) is responsible to handle the compliance and due diligence process with international auditing and security companies. The FATF is also responsible for financial investigations of all kinds, to report to high-level authorities and to implement the UNASDG on financial level in the Member States of the UN General Assembly with all relevant tasks and actions..
Action-Task Force
The Action-Task-Force (ATF) is different to the Financial-Action-Task-Force. The ATF is responsible for the implementation of the sovereign intergovernmental Organization UNASDG into the 193 Member Countries of the United Nations. The Action-Task-Force shall work on the preparations to sign the Treaty between the State and the UNASDG to start all UNASDG activities in the States. The ATF is also responsible to arrange the Accounts in the Central- and/or National Bank of the State to move forward with related fundings by and with its affiliated investment facilities.