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UNGSII (in cooperation with UN Habitat, UNSDSN, UNICEF, UN Academic Impact, WHO, and other SDG-related Excellence Partners) have shortlisted 25 leading cities and 5 indigenous communities to implement all SDGs by 2025 and prove it's possible. Improvements and Learnings will be shared once per year at the SDG Lab in Davos but as well at the UN Habitat Urban Forum and other events. The Front Runners will help develop criteria and metrics inspiring the other 9975 cities with more than 100.000 citizens.
Leading Cities within the 25+5 that have also defined their first projects include Abu Dhabi/Masdar, Brasov, Iasi, Klagenfurt, Mendoza and Santiago de Chile. The cities exchange with the SDG Champions at the SDG Champions Conference every year.

25+5 SDG Cities Leadership Schedule
(Personal Invitation only)
SDG Planning Meeting Brasov, Romania
UNGSII SDG Lab, Davos, Switzerland
SDG Champions Conference, online
SDG 25+5 Cities Leadership Platform
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